Sunday, April 6, 2008

March's Financial Breakdown

Uggh! Again, I have been absent far too long. Jury duty, a sprained wrist, and thesis corrections are all to blame. Also: laziness. This post was supposed to be up on the 31st, but better a week late than never, right?

The following is my month of savings in spreadsheet form:

I also have a breakdown of what I've spent on what. I don't know if anyone cares, but I do. I spent a ton. I need to stop going out...

Rent/Utilities = $700

Phone Bill = 62$

Dining out/Coffee at environmentally responsible establishments (organic, local, no waste, etc.) = $200.34

Dining Out/Coffee at conventional restaurants = $69.13

Delivery/Takeout Food (stuff that required packaging...although all these were sandwiches wrapped in paper, so that's not tooooo bad) = $57.38

Alcoholic Beverages that were local/organic/unpackaged/etc = $72.32

Alcoholic Beverages that were not (I really like Stoli... and it's from Russia...) = $58.50

Buying nonessential goods = $0 !!!!! Woohoo

Buying personal care/essential items = 11$ (mostly toothpaste supplies and baking soda in bulk)

Groceries = $144.71

Gifts = 26$ from American Apparel

Electronic Media = $14.01

TOTAL = 1404.39$

Money left over for debt reduction = 146$..... not great. Must do better in April.

*A note about calcuations: I let myself off the hook if it was a party/at another person's house/someone treated me. Because I have no idea how much that stuff cost or where they got it.

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