if you haven't already! I was feeling a little sorry for myself this evening, sitting at home writing my thesis and wondering what I'm going to wear for a birthday party tomorrow since I can't buy anything new. Then I watched Annie Leonard's 20-minute flash video, The Story of Stuff. Hadn't seen it in a while and it re-invigorated me [Thanks Ginna for suggesting I rewatch!]. It's just so insulting the way companies treat us: we're consumers - nothing more. I dove into my closet and found three dresses I've literally never worn since I've purchased them. There are two tops in there I've never donned either, all cute and all suitable for a night out. What is WRONG with me? I have plenty to wear!
Watch for a reality check here
1 comment:
I caught up with this via my feed and watched the video. I think I'm going to have to write something about that on my blog too. The more people know, the more likely things are to change, right?
It made me stop and think a lot, even though I consider myself reasonably clued up about these things already so I'm sure it'll hit home with a lot of those who simply don't know what their consumer habits are actually doing.
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